Custom Statue


Reference Images

Nimajneb WIPS

Other WIPS

Sculpted Cape

Doom 2099 in the custom-made cape

These are images of Doom in his fabric cape. I blurred out the background of my work area, which was boring, and got the cool blurry backgrounds, which I think looks kinda cool.

This was when I was still learning how to position the cape. As you can see, in each of the 3 shoots below, the cape is positioned differently. None of them convey how big the cape really is. It wraps completely around Doom and completely encloses his whole body. In the pics below, I have it mostly folded behind him, trying to get the funky look Doom's cape has in the comics, as illustrated on the Reference Images page.

The bottom 3 pics were taken in my backyard on a sunny day. I wasn't sure if I should put them here. or in the Reflecting Armor page. You can see my backyard quite nicely reflected in Doom's armor!


Cloth Cape

Reflecting Armor


Completed Statue