Long-term Effects of Psychedelics on Subjects


35. Has your use of hallucinogens made in any long term changes in your personality? (i.e. increased your insight, made you more empathic. made you more scatter-brained, etc.) (yes or no)

Percent Yes
Percent No
Margin of Error
80.3 %
19.7 %
+/- 10% (n=61)


36. If yes to 35, please specify the long term changes you have undergone from using hallucinogens.

Subject ID
36. Longterm Changes -Textual Responce
from using hallucinogens. Ive become more focused on my thoughts
THis is very difficult to say. I think it was more the fact that I was the type of person who would try something like that than just the fact that I did it that made the change. As far as my cognitive abilities it hasn't affected them at all, for thebetter or worse. One thing that I have noticed is that about any music I listen to on LSD (which is my chief focus since it's been 90% of my trips) ends up becoming a favorite thing of mine. Before I used LSD, I had a lot of teenage angst and I could only listen to fast, aggressive music. I think LSD saved my life sometimes because of this, because music is such a huge part of my life and I ended up getting into a lot BETTER music because of LSD.
You're asking me to sum up hours of psychic journeying on hallucinogens. I can't do it. But I will say that I think my life has improved overall since I began using hallucinogens, AND that it's getting better all the time.
More empathic, less concerened with image and status in society
I don't know my peronality developed while I was using them
i don't know
Probably changed my outlook on life/death, what we are (more than a physical body)- I guess.
i know who i am and where i am going.
I think that they have increased my insight to what I want out of my life. Maybe convinced me not to strive for the usual consumeristic goals and focus just on happiness.
Yes. I think I realize I can affect the world more directly, can change things to be what I want. Some insights have had long term, useful effects, including useful insights to my research.
more calm, introspective, willing to consider the crazy point of view.
I was raised Southern Baptist, very close minded. I am very open- minded, I meditate regularly, and REALLY believe in God now. But, I don't try to shove any doctrine down anyone's throught. (as far as I'm concerned all religions that respect people are valid) Even not believing in God is ok, my philosophy is basically that everyone has a path, let them walk it.
I now realise how small portions of myself I have acquintated myself with and how weak I am mentally to see such vast changes in myself.
It has made me more empathic and spiritual, and made me realize the oneness and divineness of all things, and made me more aware of my inner thought processes.
I don't think so. It's hard to isolate changes caused by drug experiences from changes caused by life experiences. In the balance I would have to say no.
It has opened my mind to thinking beyond what "appears" to be reality. I'm a better person in many ways. Intelligence, wisdom, self- realization.....
I have become more interested in subtle, ethereal feelings and concepts
hard to say. there's no control group. it's made me more skeptical of reality perhaps I'm more humble perhaps I'm more attent to inner qualities than external ones perhaps I'm less materialistic (was I ever?)
definitely increased my insight into life, people, everything - improved my understanding of other people dramatically. I did develop a form of schizophrenia two years later which I passed through and recovered from. That was not induced by drugs - but by isolation and psychic experimentation - I don't know if the lsd trip could have been something that caused the schizm - probably played some part in it. I still want to take another trip - but only when it "feels" safe and right and my body is in perfect health.
I would say that it really has added perspective, more than anything else. "weird" things don't faze me, "I've seen worse". I tend to think about things more, rather than write them off. I would say I have grown from the experience, and if I had the chance to do everything over again, I would definitely do it again.
yes as i have stated it has made me more empathetic,and has given me insights i feel i may have never attained
The ability to relate to other people has increased.Also, it has made me more aware of the importance of love, peace, nature, friends etc.
More empathy with other people, creatures and plants, more motivation, greater inspiration and creativity.
I think I get bored more easily, am less satisfied with life, feel like something is missing. Also being in the drug market changes the way you approach people, it makes you less trusting.
I am a little less empathic to 'minor' problems (see q.31), e.g my girlfriend getting annoyed about being stuck at a red light. I am still empathic with regards to 'more major problems'. I am more open to new ideas, new forms of expression. I can percieve music in much more detail. I have become somewhat more 'philosophical'
MAde me more in touch with nature
Yes, I am much more emphatic and harmonious. Clearer perception of reality. Non-aggresive.
hmm.. maybe more aware of certain aspects of myself
more open minded and relaxed
I would be inclined to say yes to 35, but that may be a logical Post Hoc ergo propter Hoc, meaning that I am also young, and expanding my experience so these insights may be natural with wisdom of age, etc.
Yes. I think I'm more open minded. Taking the first trip was something in itself. Being able to say to myslef that I am doing something that soceity condems, because I want to and because I feel it's right for me was a major influence on my personality. It wasn't a rebelious thing, it was an ability to think independently. I see myself as being more appreciative of the basic things in life.
How can you judge this!!! I have changed dramatically in the last seven years, but i have also grown up a lot, learned a lot, travelled alot, met alot of interesting new people, seen lots of interesting things. In the coarse of my life mushrooms have been a small part, and it is impossible to say what role they have played. If I had to i would say that pot and mushrooms have given me the advantage of seeing the world from an altered perspective which has made me more open minded. On the other hand travelling can do the same thing...
It's actually made my head alot clearer (Tho I've never been diagnosed, I'm pretty sure I am mildly schitzophrenic - since well before hallucinogens entered the picture - and lsd seems to have gotten rid of it, for the most part). I've also noticed that I've become alot more confident, and alot more capable of making decisions.
They've made me more open-minded, empathic, more easy-going, more comfortable with my own identity,, more aware of my animal nature.
feel more at peace with myself
have more empathy with the mentally ill & religious freaks:-) More empathy with people where life is cheap. Made me more open minded about some things. As for the other stuff, how could I tell?
Since I started using at a formitave age of 14, I belive my use of LSD has enhanced the creative process used in writing and thinking. If I had never used acid, I would be a very differant (and probably not quite as interesting) person today.
They have made me more aware of my own inner spirituality and have put me in tune with the chi energy of the universe. They have allowed me to simply flow with the world rather than plan ahead and fight the course of events. They started my path towards enlightenment and have kept me following that path. Sometimes when I am getting caught up in one particular problem in life they get me to see past it and allow me to learn what is needed to move on.
Greater understanding in general; broader life experience.
I have a better appreciation of nature and God.
After the first time I tripped, I realized that there were many more dimensions to myself than were at first obvious. It also got me interested in OOBE's, the nature of reality, the nature of consciousness, and the universe.
No for a while i may have thought so but I'm the same old
1 insights about me the society music (as art).. everything. LSD and Psilocybine have, this is my own perception, an afterglow of few weeks during which I feel "scatterbrained" or "weird" etc.
from using hallucinogens. As stated above I feel as though people understand what I'm saying before I say it which leads to confusion (scattered thoughts) but I feel an increased awareness of the "Other World".
Mainly positive changes. Slight paranoia after the first couple of times I used hallucinogens. Increased insight, enhanced understanding of other people. A more intense feeling of unity with me and the universe, mother earth and nature.
For a while it completely screwed up my memories. I was so scatter-brained it was scary. I went from being a very good student (4.0) to a near failure. At one point I could no longer tell the difference between dreams and reality. I couldn't even remember if I ate breakfast, let alone what I had if I did. I'd get days, months, even years all mixed up. There was no reliable linearity to my memories anymore. This is the main reason I stopped doing psychedelics. I've talked to other people that used to do high dosages, as well, and they had experienced similar effects. Luckily it doesn't appear to be permanent, as I'm back to normal now. It took a couple of years, though. The one positive change is that I was able to find out by direct personal experience that there is a world (or worlds) very different than the one we normally live in that exist for sure and might hold unbelievable possibilities for those persistent and brave enough to attempt to enter them in a more natural and responsible way. I've come to realize that drugs are a very good introductory experience, but a dead end street as far as being able to stably enter, operate in and sustain these states (worlds).
I am much more alert and aware of my surroundings. I am also able to read emotions and intentions of those around me with much greater ease. My ability to endure emotional and physical hardship has gone up tremendously, and I am much more capable of giving up pleasurable activities in order to fulfill my responsibilities in school and at work. In addition, I have found an inner wellspring of emotional and spiritual tranquility that makes it much easier for me to accept the strange mix of races (Cherokee, Irish, Punjabi, Kashmiri) that I am made up of. Finally, I have come to enjoy a much greater appreciation for things that most people take for granted, such as my family, the food I eat, and the bed I sleep on, to name a few.
Hallucinogens have freed up my personality, making me a much more natural person. I am much more in tune with myself, Nature and the motivations and emotions of other people. I have learned to see "color" in all of life.
My thoughts seem to work differently--sometimes I go almost entirely on insight and creative thought. My mental capacity and intelligence have not been compromised in any way. I have become more artistic, innovative, unconventional, and enlightened through past use. I am reaching a point where I only want to take psychedelics only a few times a year because I have seen reality in so many different ways I am still figuring things out. I have this desire to help others become happy and enlightened with me. I try to be open and real with everyone--I don't become involved with game-existance, and I see people around me for who they are. I think that some people are living on lower levels of existance, such as trying to control others, or trying to better themsleves for selfish gains. I do not hate these people. I could not bring myself to attack anyone violently, unless the conditions were very extreme. I think that some people are simply unaware of what we as a species could achieve--total and unconditional love and empathy--if we all got to the level where games, classes, societies are not important and everyone sees everyone else as they truly are. Psychedelics are very misunderstood by these people, because psychedelic drugs have been abused by foolish, misguided users and a few rare cases have been blown out of proportion to generalize about a class of substances which could benefit humankind. Possibly, there are those who are so tied to game-existance that they work to keep psychedelics illegal and misunderstood in order to perpetuate their power in society. Name a government that would like to give up control and let enlightened people live in peace. If a very large number of people achieved liberation, those in power would have no power, as those enlightened could find happiness without needing material wealth or other game-traps and that is very frightening to them. I see reality in a different way than before I tried hallucinogens. I find that at will I can look at things from different perspectives. Another long-term effect is the more vivid, lucid experience of stimuli around me. I can truly enjoy an orange or a good conversation as much as anything else.
more insight, possibly more scattered brain but I feel that is due to pot
calmer, more humble and willing to learn, stronger and more prepared for the inner battles we all face.
maybe more relaxed, tend to appreciate the illusory nature of reality
i don't know if it is that alone or if other things are a part of it also. i have gotten quiter. i used to very talkitive and happy go lucky. now i just don't care about a lot of things and i don't like bug social event (i.e big keg parties where i don't know anyone. i used to love them) maybe i've just grown up a little
don't know (how could I tell?); probably increased awareness and insight.


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