Subject's General Comments on Psychedelics


38. If you have experienced anything at all of significance while on hallucinogens that this survey has not covered, please describe it now. Take as much space as you require. Attach an associated e-mail if you prefer.


Subject ID
38. Any Other Comments?
Just a feeling of 'timelessness'
Yes, I have, but for the purposes of this survey (and because I am at work right now) I can't really answer this question fully. I hope my responses help your survey, and I'm sorry it's so messy, I filled it out online. :) Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any other questions. I don't mind.
The effect of other people experiencing the hallucinations of some on drugs is the oddest thing. I have seen it happen several times.
Hallucinagens help you notice nature, the beauty which we often are too busy to notice. They force you to notice it.
I once broadcasted, quite painfully, to what i thought to be an alien prescence.
The first time that I tried acid was the happiest time of my life. I have never felt more purely and innocently happy in my whole life. Definitely a very enjoyable feeling! Mushrooms have also causd the same sort of feeling. But, I just wasnt to tell you about my one and only BAD expperience with hallucinogens. I was travelling in asia and took what I htought were mushrooms (later people have told me that the effects i had sounded like peyote, but I really don't know). At first nothing happened then about 2 hours after eating them all depth perception was lost: i would reach for my glass and my hand would go tight through it. I wasn't feeling very well and wanted to go to sleep. I thought I had gone directly to bed when I woke up the next morning. But then I heard from other people that what I ACTUALLY had done was take off all of my clothing except my underwear and dance half naked on the beach and raod for a few hours "as if I was swimming" to quote what I was told. Needless to say, this is not something I would normally do and I have absolutely no recollection of it. All through the next day i was vividly hallucinating, even up to 30 hours later when I went to sleep the second night. At the time it wasn't worrying- i found the hallucinations interesting to look at and all i really thought was "i guess I won't be able to drive any more with all of these hallucinations" but I wasn't really too concerned at all. Only after it was all over did it start to bither me a bit...just thinking to myseelf " i was FUCKED UP" I never want to do THAT again!!!! But that definitely hasn't stopped me from taking hallucinogens. Since then I have taken lsd again and had quite a good time. Just some advice: don't do mushrooms on or near Lombok in Indonesia!! ( I took them elsewhere in south-east asia and they were fine...if anything too weak.)
Tactile hallucinations. Edges of things seem much sharper or pointier than they really are. A TV remote with slightly rounded plastic buttons (that still have edges, though), feels like its made of glass. Things in the world are divided into the itchy and soft - it's either really, really annoying, or really, really nice. Squinting (reducing light input to eye) increases visuals. The slight streaks of light give feedback to create more complex images. Much like feedback in video. Short term memory is nil. I remember being in the park on a coolish day, but warm in the shade. When my friend and I sat down in the shade, we would get too chilly and start walking. When we got warm, we'd sit down. When we got too warm, we'd start walking again. After 3 or 4 iterations of this we realized that the problem was shade vs. sun.
besides seeing "the Light"??? no, that's as heavy as it got. but it doesn't HAVE to be GRAND, or SPIRITUAL it's fun, period!
When I look back on my experiences, I now notice quite a few correlations between chakras, OBEs, and other spiritual events. At the time I was using, considering my religious background these things frightened me beyond all comprehension at times. It wasn't until last year that I started reading about chakras, etc. that I recognized all of the sensations. One thing to keep in mind, LSD doesn't run the trip your own mind does. LSD merely kicks off your own brain or whatever, there is not enough of a chemical to run your nervous system to accomplish all of these events that people experience for up to 12 hours. Anyway, I'm glad I don't do these things anymore, especially because no one needs drugs to get the same effects, i.e. meditation, OBEs and the like.

See ya

An appreciation of the potential richness of vision and perception, and the fragile nature of the brain's chemistry.
I felt very warm when starting the trip and then felt sick when I was tripping
Like I said, it would take volumes. Most of it is simply re-affirming much of many centuries of wisdom and philosophy about who were are and why we're here. I haven't got it all figured out yet, but it's going to be a fantastic life trying to do so
Good luck Don.
Sorry, I don't really have time to write much, but I will say that at times I have had premonitions of evets which have later come true. I believe a greater sense of intuitio is responsible for this. -David
Can you please mail the results to me? I will be most interested.
yes. Extreme mental clarity after a trip. A totally calm state.
i like to work with energy when tripping, you can experience something similar to tantric sex and work with your body energy, it is a wonderful thing.
It seems to me that I can see through others and see their motives, ideas, drives, etc.
Hands sinking through walls.
I wonder if you have tried any yourself. I found the survey very narrow and frustrating. Were you really trying to gather information, or were you simply trying to confirm your own beliefs? The problem with statistics and surveys is that they are pre-biased by the way the questions are worded (especially if the way you must answer is constrained). You would perhaps learn more by reading one of the many books that already exist on the subject.
Hmm, well besides the significance of being trapped in an elevator with a friend for 2 hrs while peaking, no. (Literally 2 hrs, checked with the maintenance guy who finally got us out. Do you have any idea as to how long 2 hrs feels when peaking? An eternity, stuck in a teeny room with someone... eek). The other thing that wasn't mentioned in here that I think deserves some mention is the "flashback" phenomenom. I have not had any "flashbacks", but I have noticed the commonly reported "permanant" (tho mild) tracers (trails as you call them). I've also discovered that I have the ability to "turn off" certain filters, and allow everything to morph as if I'm on acid (tho not as intensely), for a short period of time. Also, my dreams are alot weirder, and when I'm very tired, just waking up, or falling asleep, I see patterns behind my eyelids, a sort of tunnel-vision kind of effect where red&blue "static" transfers across my field of view, and shadows on the walls morphing around like crazy when my eyes are open. One may wonder why someone who has obviously noticed SOME permanant effects from LSD use would even consider doing it again; the reason is, that I have found that I have remained just as functional and intelligent as always, and that these effects do not have any impact on my life whatsoever, and are easily ignored. Mind you, the above is all made up. It's not as if I'd ever consider doing something illegal like possess marijuana or LSD. ----
Time distortion is very common for me. Perhaps it's because my mind is going faster, and it creates the illusion of time moving slower. My first mushroom trip (1/8 oz.) revealed to me that there is an infinite amount of time between any two instants. I also have the distinct feeling that everything is "fake". I feel like I'm on a set for a movie or TV show. Both these illusions are creepy, but enjoyable just because the sensations are new.
I have never been more frightened than on LSD. I consider this to be significant. Part of the attraction of acid is avoiding or dealing with this fear. However, it now seems that there's continuity between my trips (the big ones) -- I seem to run variants of the same trip every time. This is a concern to me partly because it's often terrifying, and I think dangerous, and partly because it's a rut -- I could be missing out on lots of other kinds of trips. I don't see me shaking it off until I am bold enough to step through the gateway I mentioned above. I know experienced users who have sworn never to touch LSD again as a result of a series of "bad trips". They have been reluctant to talk about the exact nature of these trips, but have hinted at recurrent nightmarish trips that were becoming too real and starting to intrude into their normal lives. On a more upbeat note I have experienced an apparent complete mind union with others several times. On one occasion the other person reported the same experience. I have expereienced this same thing with people who *weren't* there also. I believe this extreme version of improved empathy with others is illusory.
This survey did not cover bad trips. I was arrested once on acid, when I had a psychotic episode (injureda cat and two friends). I believe this is careless of the author -- reading this survey, there is noindication whatsoever of possible negative effects of LSD,shrooms,PCP, etc. I hope this is remedied in future releases.LSD is suspected to have the ability to "trigger" psychosis, schizophrenia, and manic-depressive disorders,in the short or long term. I believe I am a victim of this sort of triggering (though only short term). I wish you the best of luck in your research. Please don't get shutdown. (And you might want to note, in your survey, that you whole-heartedly do not recommend the usage of controlled substances, for legal purposes.I'd appreciate going on some mailing list of people who will recieve a final product from you, bearing the fruits of your survey.
SEX:That depends on the trip. Sometimes I am completely imersed in my partners energy even to the point of the mreging of our souls. I have been out of body and dancing with her soul. Sometimes it is just a complete attunement to her energy that even extends to a complete telepathic link of feelings and thoughts. On other occasions there is nothing sexual involved at all.
I think that the intellectual and philosophical benefits have been very crucial to my life. I am glad that I have been able to experience the incrredible variety of things that I have. Good luck with your research.
sex: I am horny, but I do not wish to have sex (it is too busy, plus it's not that much fun. Too much thinking going on).// AOT: I have bonded with friends during my trips. We all have a sense of family when we trip together, and therefore have made closer friends as a result. We all have felt, at one time, that we know exactly what each of us are thinking, so it is almost like we're psychic. Afterwards, I am MUCH more in tune to how I feel around other people, as if I were still tripping, but not really.
Dude i could have writtn more but i ahve work to do. You caught me good time i just saw the DEAD last night , tripped and had a blast.
he whole experience is to very great degree indescribable..iti
The out-of-body experience was enough to knock me into silence. I had such a profound understanding of my mind that I couldn't think properly for a day or two. I'm finally getting to understand (3 months later) what I "saw". I believe it was the closest thing to what people refer to as god--I can understand how "miracles" happened in Biblical times.
Answer: One of the first time I used LSD I dropped almost 4 hits. When I was peaking I went into another reality totally. It was another life, I was much older, 30-40 years old maybe. I had a wife and kids and i lived in another land. This life was completely normal, nothing weird at all. I remember that I did all the usual stuff a person does, i.e. going to the bathroom, eating, sleeping, but I don't remember any details. This "other" life seemed to go on for years, and I had forgotten about my "real" life completely. Then suddenly one day while I was walking home from work, I heard a voice speaking out my name, I looked all around me but no one was there. Then suddenly, snap! I was back in the sofa that I'd been sitting in when the trip started, I asked my friend (I understood that it was his voice I was hearing) how long I'd been "gone", he said: "Gone? You just seemed to be concentrating on something for a few seconds." That's when I realized how powerful hallucinogens can be, years of time can be experienced within seconds, you can jump between other realities, other lives. Communicate with other entities. Everbody should have the opportunity to try it. /Hope I was of some help to You!
SEX: I wasn't horny at all. I tried sex a couple of times on LSD, but it was pretty weird. It seemed very animalistic and I was quite detached from the whole process. It always struck me as a strange thing to do. Playing trumpet was the same way for me. I thought "Why would I want to stick this cold piece of metal on my lips?" It was so strange. And these things didn't seem weird at all (in fact that's pretty much what I used to do most of time) when I was straight.//
You have put together an excellent survey, and have covered all that has happened to me of lasting significance. Thank you.
Sex 1: I would have to say that the primal urge to copulate is not increased at all, but rather there is desire for close physical contact and warmth. Mating is a beautiful expression of this but is not really necessary, as all stimuli, for me, anyways, seems just as estatic and beautiful during a psychedelic experience (after having tried MDMA).

Sex 2: When I am coming down, I usually just want to talk, because it provides comfort when returning to game existance.

FIDGETY: I usually like to have something to do. I need to dance or give someone a back rub or do something that involves physical movement. Swimming is also a good release of this energy. (but have someone watch you).

SLEEP: This is all dependent on the chemical substance rather than the mental states. LSD, MDMA, and Yohimbe will keep you up all night. LSA (Woodrose, Morning Glories), psilocybin, and for me, harmaline, are all sedative in nature, and I have no problem at all sleeping once the peak effects have passed.

Sex: 28. Depends on the drug, yes for DMT, No for LSD and shrooms

29. Depends on the drug, yes for DMT, no for the others

I am glad to see this type of survey and would truly appreciate hearing about your findings. Also i would like to refer you to the writings of Carlos Casteneda, specifically the book "The teachings of Don Juan; a Yaqui way of knowledge." i fell you might be able to gain insight from an anthropological point of view.

I have found my life's mission, my comfort, and my support system. I've learned about love, strength and God. Still, I've really only just started. I have a strong religious freedom issue now. Please e-mail me if you want more information on our religion. I'm writing a book, and preparing tapes of the ritual music, which is very powerful.
i had a girlfriend who got horny as hell no, i just get too much in my mind, have too much fun, it's a mental drug for me

sexual) when *coming down* from a hallucinogen buzz? oh, yeah, if i don't watch it i'll fall into a deep, gloomy despair//obe: only sleeping, high on mushrooms, i flew out of my skin, pretty early in the night, i looked back and could see my skin

fidgety ? (yes or no) no, but i have to shit a lot (something you might consider asking about in your survey, i think it's nearly universal)

Final comment : yes, many things, i realized the significance of the moment, even when you're staring at the flakes on the wall, things become alive for the first time, as if being born again into the light of the new day.

sex: i don't really thing about it while peaking, i've never been around a female while tripping either i plan to however. <>Final comment: i know my answers are a little vague but it is hard to ask questions about an event that differs for so many people. if you have any more ?'s for me, i would love to answer them. again sorry for the answers but i did the best i could.

good luck :)

yes; have learned:

Everything is connected

Nothing we do is more cosmically important than anything else



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